February 7, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

Plot to impeach Speaker Muturi is hypocritical-DP party leaders


Democratic Party of Kenya leaders in the Coast region have criticised an alleged plot by some Jubilee leaders to impeach National Assembly speaker Justin Muturi.

Some MPs are said to be unhappy with the Speaker’s perceived closeness to Deputy President William Ruto. Both Muturi and Ruto have expressed interest in the presidency.

Kilifi County DP party organizing secretary Isaac Njuguna said it was hypocritical to accuse Muturi of contravening the Political Parties Act. “There is no law that Muturi has contravened.

 It’s the height of hypocrisy for any Jubilee member to accuse another of contravening the Act, yet the party itself has entered a pact with ODM which was not authorised by the National Delegates Conference,” said Njuguna.

He added: “No one in Jubilee can purport to be following the Political Parties Act. This is a case of seeing the spec in your neighbours eye, while ignoring the log in your eye.”

The members, who spoke during a media briefing endorsed Muturi to succeed Uhuru, terming him as the best bet for the leadership of this country.

 “As a party we recognise the fact that Muturi whose Mantra is Integrity, Responsibility and Order shares proven leadership qualities similar to those espoused by DP founder, retired President Mwai Kibaki,” said Njuguna.

 “We share the confidence expressed by DP national leadership that has mandated Muturi, once he wins the top seat, to revive the economic policies that saw Kenya’s economy thrive during the Kibaki leadership,” he added.

According to reports, the MPs – mostly drawn from President Uhuru Kenyatta’s faction – are already collecting signatures in a bid to kick out Muturi who has served in the position since 2013.

“We know the move to collect the signatures is currently going on and they are targeting the Kieleweke team which supports the President.

 We are ready for them,” said a senior member of the Muturi campaign group who sought anonymity.

Muturi, who had himself coronated as the Mt Kenya spokesman earlier this year, has declared that he will contest presidency in next year’s election.

Kimunya’s denial According to the Speaker’s handlers who requested not to be identified for fear of backlash, the move to kick him out is because of speculation that he was secretly dining with Ruto, who has fallen out with his boss, President Kenyatta.

But National Assembly Majority leader Amos Kimunya said he was not aware of any scheme to remove the Speaker and neither had he received instructions from the party or its leadership. “I am not aware of any attempt to remove Speaker Muturi.

I suspect the peddlers of the story are trying to shift attention from the Jubilee revitalisation and NDC,” Kimunya said from Nigeria where he’s attending a meeting